Porcelain Veneer

A veneer is a porcelain restoration that involves only the outside of the tooth.

What are the recommendations?
The veneer is recommended for aesthetic or functional reasons, that the large majority are due to over-restoration, color differences, bad formation, correction of shape and position.

What is the advantage of this treatment?
The big advantage is the aesthetic change achieved quickly (usually in two sessions) and at the same time secure.

It's tough?
With the evolution of pottery and cooking processes, the resistance is quite satisfactory, being very similar to natural teeth. It is important to remember that much will depend on the dentist and prosthetic that will do the job. The porcelain is like a glass, with good support and correct thickness (given the correct preparation or tooth wear), and being made with quality material, it will have a lifespan of many, many years.

It could be loosened?
No, since it provide a good cement (the responsibility of the dentist). A veneer is "stuck" with resin cement, ie a fluid resin suitable for this use.

Need periodic checking and maintenance?
Like any kind of restoration, the veneers require periodic review, however, only requires the maintenance of hygiene and tooth surfaces, in particular, joint-tooth restoration.

As it is made, the teeth are unprotected?
During the manufacture of veneer in the laboratory, the patient uses a veneer of provisional resin, imperceptible to other people.

How Long?
The durability will depend on the good hygiene of patients and their use. We have cases of porcelain restorations over 30 years in the patient's mouth in perfect condition

